
Front Speakers: JBL S312
Center Channel: B.I.C. DV62CLR
Surrounds: Klipsch Quintet

Hi Jim,

In any home theater, balance is key. Personally, if I had JBL S312 front speakers (available new for under $142 a pair at eCost.com) and a BIC DV62CLR center speaker (available new for under $130 at nowOnSpecial.com) and the KLIPSCH Quintet Microsystem surrounds, I'd probably upgrade my speakers, to better match the capabilities of either the Anthem or Outlaw.

Whatever differences you heard between a properly set up Anthem and Outlaw should pale mightily, in comparison to the differences you should hear after upgrading your speakers, from those three different vendors. I hope you re-balance your home theater, whether you get the Outlaw or the Anthem. The difference in price between the Outlaw 950/770 and the Anthem combo (presumably the AVM20 + MCA-50 + MCA-20 = about $6K) may be used to buy speakers, if you were so inclined.

Good luck with your Wednesday decision!


[This message has been edited by Will (edited October 19, 2002).]