One last thing I'd consider to split the difference on the expense. The 950 has a bit of an analytical sound erring on the cool side. If the 750 has similar sonic qualities, the combination might not be good for someone that enjoyed a warmer sound.

I have my 950 paired up with a Rotel 985. I originally thought the 985 was a bit bloomy and over warm in the lower mids when mated with my previous Rotel pre/pro. But with the 950 the tubbiness is gone, and HT at least sounds excellent to the point where more money spent to improve on that sound would seem quite excessive to me.

For me, cool sounding components should always be counter weighted with warmer ones. That way you don't end up with an overly analytical sound or an overly bloomy undetailed one either.

In other words - try the 950 with other amps. (whew, took awhile to get to the punchline).

I have no doubt at over twice the price the Anthem would sound better (I've heard alot of good things), but by mating the 950 with the right amp, you might be able to close the gap quite a bit.