Hmm, I've got a GameCube running into the 950 with S-Video... Maybe I'll try taking it out and see what happens. I have an extremely small amount of hiss, but not enough to bother me (it's not audible from my listening position).

When I first got the 950, I couldn't even hear the hiss except by pressing my ear to the tweeter, but now it does seem a little bit louder... I thought it was just in my head, but I also didn't have the GameCube when I first got the 950, so maybe it _is_ hissing just a little bit more than it used to... I don't know...

Interestingly, the GameCube is the only S-Video device I have hooked up, and I didn't notice much of a difference in quality of that over the composite. It now looks about as good as my PS2 over component, but it used to look just about that good over composite, too. The PS2, however, looked awful over composite, and I noticed a big improvement when I bought the component cable. Hmm...

Matthew J. Hill
Matthew J. Hill