Strangest thing,

I was planning to return my 950, even got an RMA, but just could not give the machine back.

Well, I redid some work and removed my DVD player video in to run it to my CS-1 directly about a week ago.

So last night I decide to play with the pots on my parasound, I had turned the gain down two weeks earlier to remove the noise. Well low and behold the noise is much lower than before. I can still hear hiss with the gain maxed, but nothing like I was hearing before. I turned off everything in the room to be as silent as possible and while I can hear the hiss from 2 feet it wasn't as bad as before. So I re-calibrated my system with Avia and replayed my CD. The hiss was not in the music as before. While I know that I reduced the gain on my amp, it was not reduced as much as before. I cannot duplicate the level of hiss I was having at first.

The only difference was that My DVD player isn't connected via s-video to the pre-amp any more. I did not plug the DVD player back in to test. To much testing not enough enjoying.

I am very happy now, I demoed some CDs and DVDs and I just can't send the unit back.

Now I using the money I am saving to by 1 more channel and two speakers to have my 7.1

Strange but interesting.
