Just to clarify... I never claimed them to be clones (the subject line was intended to show a connection to the original), just that they were built on the same platform.
Got it; thanks for clarifying.
I spoke with a very nice guy with an accent (British?) who said his name was Ron Phone and is one of the owners.
If you want to put a face to that name, here's a pic or two , as well as some info about the Sherbourn clone.
When I mentioned that I had heard the platform was going to be used by other manufacturers he offered up Adcom and Fosgate. He did not mention models but did say the Fosgate would have a 5" LCD screen.
'Clone' may be too strict a word, but I understand what you mean by 'same platform'. And while there are significant differences, they two units do share a helluva lot of awfully similar features: built-in tuner, analog bass management on the 5.1 inputs, two triggers, external remote jacks on back panel, same s-video jack-pack (five inputs, one record out, one zone out), same digital audio jack-pack (four optical in, one optical out, two coax in, one coax out), same crossover settings, etc.
I had no idea there were people who watched the industry so closely on this list or I would have been more direct in my original post.
No problemo. A lot of us do keep up with the latest industry happenings, but no more than any other hobby.
