Is your resource hinting that some of the components developed for the 950 are being re-used in these two? That'd be quite interesting news.
When Fosgate (the company) announced that their new pre-pro would feature matrix decoding for 7-speaker layouts, I got all excited and thought that Fosgate (the man) had finally come up with a 7.1-channel version of PL II. Well, it turns out that their "7.1 Extended Surround" is the same as Rotel's XS (eXtended Surround) which is the same as Outlaw's CES processing. I wouldn't be surprised if Adcom has the same Crystal processor; it's a popular chip amongst manufacturers and a convenient way to add surround back decoding to the processor (already built into the chip, just has to be activited).

While those two processors don't look like 950-clones outwardly, I'd be curious to see if they have similar (or the same) Eastech innards.


[This message has been edited by sdurani (edited November 11, 2002).]