Here is an example:

I have a 1050 and when I play a movie back at '60' (80 is wide open) I get peaks a bit over 105 db. Now a few seconds of reflection inform me that:

1 - This is pretty damn loud.
2 - A few more db and I'll be into clipping.
3 - Taking 1&2 together I conclude that somewhere around 65 or 70 is all the useful gain I have.

At 65 the system is dead silent with any source, analog or digital selected. This is admirable but not really a requirement - a bit of noise would be OK.

At 80 it's silent too, but that's not the point. When I had a 'big amp' on the mains a bit of noise was present at this setting, audible to about 1 - 2 inches. Also note that this would result in peak output around 135 db if all the parts were capable. In reality I would get amp clipping somewhere around 1Kw/channel followed shortly by speaker destruction and PSH.

At usable volumes with the external amp 1050 noise was essentially zero.