And what's the cost for this feature versus what I paid for my 950?

The AVM-20 has a lot of other features besides upgradablity that contribute to the cost of the unit.
I'm not complaining. The AVM-20 is a really nice unit, but I'm happy with being "stuck" with my 950.

Hey, for the price the 950 is a good deal for some people. I ordered mine, tried it for a week and ended up sending it back. Too many compromises for me.

By the way, the Outlaws have mentioned in the past that the 950 could be upgraded, but have not said how- only that they might, or might not, make something available if they felt it necessary.

Might. Might not. Maybe. If necessary. Not exactly a commitment. Besides, you'll need a soldering iron if it ever happens.
Hope you are enjoying your Rotel 1066- what number software fix, er..., upgrade, have they issued recently?

Do you mean fix as opposed to refering to problems as "features"? 8) I ended up selling my 1066 and sticking with my Marantz AV9000 for now. My point was and remains, however, that many of the issues affecting processors like the Rotel and the Anthem can be corrected because they're upgradable. Any problem you may have with your 950 is there for good.