Oooh, a psychological data point I heard once:

People with cheaper gear (more cost effective ), tend to review their gear more critically than people with more expensive gear.

Why? Because the people with the more expensive gear don't want to confront the potential fact that they may have made a mistake in their purchase. People with cheaper gear don't care as much, because it's easier to "turn the gear over" and get something else. So they can be more realistic about whether a piece meets their needs or not.

Refernced to the reviews at That's why, for example, if you ever see a pair of $300 bookshelf speakers really well reviewed, more than likely it's the real deal, vs a pair of $10k speakers...

I'll be curious as to when the reviews to the B&K Ref 50 start rolling in. A lot cheaper (street) than the Anthem, but the Ref 30 was really well reviewed on

But, don't got no triple crossover... So in that regard, the 950 wins for me.
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

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