I ordered the 950/770 combo today. Hopefully I'll have lots of time to play with them this weekend.

Maybe I missed this in the PDF of the manual, but I couldn't find a specification for the crossover slope when employing the 80 HZ analog crossover and analog inputs.

Also, is there a problem in keeping the subwoofer level in balance if you use a different crossover point for digital vs. analog input?

One last general question. Is is appropriate to use the speaker manufacturer's -3 dB bass point in deciding where to set the digital crossover point. I have read that about 2X the -3 dB frequency is usually appropriate. Applying that to my main speakers (Polk LSi 9's) would put the crossover frequency at ~100 HZ, a little higher than I'd ordinarily chose.

If the kind of (generally) thoughtful and helpful discussion I've seen on this board continues, I think the Outlaw's business model is going to work well. A lot more knowlege here than in most HiFi stores.