i enjoyed reading your post. one thing that is becoming a pet peeve of mine is this: you say your primary interest is music, yet i see no reference to sacd/dvd-a in your post.

i know of no stereo cd system that approaches sacd multichannel in sound. of course, like cds, you have differing mix quality and, being the new music format, there are a lot less choices in software. own the 950 and not utilize the format, is a mistake, imo. i don't think outlaw set out to build the ultimate stereo cd preamp. i would just like to suggest trying sacd multichannel music through the 950. it's a music lover's paradise and, to me, the 950's strongest point.

i wouldn't mind hearing back from you on the subject. and, this forum is for anyone who has a thought....i wish more lurkers would jump in as i'm sure there are many who hesitate...that's everyone's loss.
"Time wounds all heels." John Lennon