Originally posted by bossobass:
i do however, wonder how many other electronics products also have bulls__t s/n specs.


Probably quite a bit of them, and that is my point. It really does seem that HT (and comsumer electronics in general, and probably many more industries) are folowing the computer marketing model. Integrity gives way to 'spin'. I buy the products, but I hold my nose.

I _really_ want to love what Outlaw is doing. I was, and am a fan of products like Adcom, Nad etc. Products that gave real bang for the buck and performed as promised. I know, I've owned many of them. For all I know, some of Outlaw's principals were involved with these companies. I was prepared to love the 950 - honestly. I am saddened that this turned out not to be the case.

So why am I saying all this? What good will it do? Well, I would just hope that people be a bit more discriminating in what is "good enough". I know that is falling on a lot of deaf ears, and in many instances there is perceived to be no other choice, but it is a good ideal to strive for. Yes, the few dissenting voices are usually the loudest, but in more than a few instances throughout history, they have been _right_. I am not trying to blow this whole thing up to biblical proportions, but would hope that "good enough" (take the CD standard - yecch) gets a bit more upward consideration by the powers that be in the future.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited October 21, 2002).]