Good Post Bossobass, Ego me bene habeo .
I’ve said the same several times in variation. I had noticed how guys with 5K+ prepro’s really get rather touchy on the forums when another ‘guy’ (who would never ‘chose’ or choose to ‘budget’ that much for this area of his life) attacks it for not having X or Y feature or spec at its price. Magno cum periculo custoditur, quod multis placet. These points usually take the form of declaring over and over when you pay that much (and more) it should really perform better and/or have this ONE feature (that the majority of cheaper/older units have included for years).

I don’t think there is an electronic product out there without tradeoffs at any price.
For my tastes the tradeoffs with the 950 are EXTREMELY palatable at its price. And In virtute sunt multi ascensus

I’m sorry for those who have had hiss issues, that have not effected me. Well I worded that incorrectly. I have and DO have hiss. But an entirely different subject (yet in like manner, where something pleasing comes from a problematic source) while distortion is often a dirty word, - there are all kind of applications sold to induce a pleasing or effects geared amounts of distortion in electronic instruments (guitars etc).

For me, in real time usage there is no ‘bite’ to the 950’s non-venomous hiss, when hiss or no, it continues to ‘sound’ better than counterparts. To borrow a phrase, “For that which acts is always superior to that which is affected.” Surely Outlaw could have continued on to improve this or that … but Imponit finem sapiens et rebus honestis

I’m happy to have chosen Outlaw, I prefer traveling towards high-end sound ope exceptionis to the theory that increasing price equates to an equal rise in quality output. (I’ve found in my own purchases this theory to be PR driven with startling frequency). I feel what Outlaw is producing will definitely tend to force other manufactures to offer more for the dollar particularly if the market softens. The sound reverberating around my house is of very high quality, I hope Outlaw continues growth eventually having the firepower of an immense customer base enabling them to launch an ever-broader product range. "Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt"

It’s the weekend, this is my version of an interactive post. See if you can place the translations in their proper spots…your choices are:
The wise man puts a limit on even honorable undertakings
When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults
With me all is well
Lock and Key will scarce keep that secure, which pleases everybody
by way of exception
There are many degrees in excellence