"us lucky ones" have posted at various times, but I think you're right: misery *does* love company. I've never had a response or comment to postings of the smooth sailing I've experienced. I had received my 950 late May. Right out of the box, it was stealth silent... oh wait, I should clarify that. Yes, it powered up, yes it worked, and yes, it did not have the dreaded hiss problem. I am still enjoying it. Even on music, 2 channel the sound has smoothed out.

I'm very pleased with my purchase.

Some background. I have worked in television, radio and theatre audio for 30 years. Mixed a lot of live music, ProTools editing, broadcast, sound effects and soundtrack design and mix. For both music/2 channel *and* the rather artificial world of sound/audio for film, the 950 really *is* a solid value, and capable of revealing subtleties in the playback of a mix.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled ranting

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no 3-wish limit
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no 3-wish limit