My two cents on this issue:

In my search for a pre-pro/amp combo for music and movies, I have owned the following (used with DH Labs BL-1 Interconnects, DH Labs T-14 speaker cable, Axiom Audio 80ti towers, VP-150 CC, M3ti bookshelf surrounds, Hsu Research VTF-2 sub):

Anthem AVM20 (startling dynamic range, sterile 2-channel, paired with Sherbourn 5/1500A)

Lexicon DC-1 (great effects steering, electronic 2-channel, paired with Outlaw 750)

Aragon Soundstage (crisp and dynamic, very nice 2-channel, paired with Sherbourn 5/1500A)

Acurus ACT-3 (surprisingly good dynamics, slight "whispery" quality, good 2-channel, paired with Sherbourn 5/1500A)

EAD Ovation Plus (decent dynamics, outstanding 2-channel, paired with EAD Powermaster 1000)

Bryston SP-1 (quietest of all, let every detail and nuance come through, excellent steering and dynamics, painfully revealing 2-channel induced "ear burn", paired with EAD Powermaster 1000, best for HT alone)

Sunfire TGII (terrific dynamics, great 2-channel, paired with EAD Powermaster 1000, the best for both disciplines that I found)

Then I heard a Jolida SJ202 integrated tube amp, and fell in love. I mainly listen to female vocals, and it's just magic.

And now, after a recent financial downturn, I've picked up a 950/750 setup. The Jolida has freed me from needing a pre-pro/amp combo that does music well, making the Outlaw combo a nice fit for now.

Yes, the Anthem was better for HT, with improved dynamics and clarity, but the difference is minor. The Outlaw would get an 8 to the Anthem's 9, which doesn't justify the price difference in my book.

When fortune smiles on me again, I will get another Bryston SP-1 and another Powermaster 1000, set them down next to the Jolida and be in heaven.

But in the meantime, this Outlaw setup is doing me and my empty wallet serious justice.