I'll try to give santaclarajim some help here (we need a little more starter fluid).

I had a pre - fix 950, a pre V2 AVM20, and a Denon 3200 in my system for about a month.

First, I think bossobass is right, the AVM doesn't "bury" the 950, anymore than the 950 "buries" the Denon.

That said, the 950 is flat and lifeless in two channel via DAC or analog. I did not notice imaging or soundstage problems. In fact, I really liked the imaging compare to the AVM/Dennon. I also thought the bass on the 950 was really well articulated, both by test CD and music. I would characterize the AVM (and Denon, if anybody cares) as more "furry'.

As far as 5.1/6.1, I really had problems with the stability of the image, and a lack of "space" with the 950. The 950 really seemed to collapse/jump front to back. This is obviously dependent on software (pre/pro and DVD). The best example is the 5th element at the beginning scene with the president. The hall is created perfectly by the AVM and Denon as a large space. The 950 was unable to produce this effect. Also, in that scene when the speaker walks forward, his voice pans from back to front smoothly on the AVM/Dennon. On the 950 it just jumps. My speaker setup was built around the Denon, maybe moving stuff around or some judicious sound treatments might straighten this out. (The $$ you save would buy a pretty good room upgrade.)

On the upside, I found the 950 had a lot of resolution, and I did not find it lacking in low or high end (other than reproducing ambience). I thought at both frequency extremes it sounded really good (analytical).

If the major ergonometric flaws and lack of an easy software upgrade are not a factor in your installation, the 950 is definitely worth $75 shipping to try.