Kevin, I also have Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs, I was running 60hz cross for the mains, but found I could more easily integrate/balance the 5.1 direct inputs with DD/DTS sources, etc. I also found a point of sub phase adjustment using Avia test signals my sub phase does not go 180 out as it did previously. Not sure if I just found a happy medium but both, err all, DVD-A (and multi SACD), 2 channel bybass, and movies DD/DTS sound great. Well worth the couple of hours it took to tweak the phase on the sub.

Thanks for your help and suggestions,


Originally posted by Kevin C Brown:
I have Vandersteen 2CE Signature mains that could also live with a 60 Hz crossover. But as soon as I get time, I'm going to put my sub eq back into my system, and then it's just easier to use 80 Hz which is the same as the 5.1 analog crossover.