
such a talented assembly in this thread.

Hi Boss o Bass,

I wholeheartedly agree!

Can you give me an example of a particular recording or CD, and what specific overtones I'm supposed to hear missing when I switch to PL II. That would really help.

Hi Sanjay,

Well, he listened mostly to the first few tracks of the London Digital recording of Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky, played by the Chicago Symphony (Solti). He had me raise the volume quite loud. As to what specific overtones he found missing, I don't know. I have to experiment with this myself to see if I can understand better the difference. However there is a difference. I can say that loud stereo sounds different than loud PL II, to me.

I also hear a little more vocal clarity and better soundstaging with PL II.

Sanjay, I wonder if the clarity you hear in PL II over stereo is because PL II may be removing certain overtones.

For my part, I go back and forth from Bypass, to DPL2 to Neo:6 depending on how I feel that day with that source material.

Hi bobblinds,

Me too, except I use stereo not Bypass since I keep my mains as small. With bypass with mains on small, there is double bass. And since DPL2 and Neo:6 are digital, I figure might as well use digital in stereo too.

[This message has been edited by Will (edited September 17, 2002).]