But have you ever heard DPL II remove some overtones, and in so doing, make the sound more pleasing?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Can you give me an example of a particular recording or CD, and what specific overtones I'm supposed to hear missing when I switch to PL II. That would really help.

Most of the differences I've heard could be better described as a change in balance: e.g., switching back & forth between stereo playback and PL II processing, I hear more bass with stereo. But, as I explained earlier, this has more to do with a change in the number of midrange/treble transducers being used. I also hear a little more vocal clarity and better soundstaging with PL II.

Also keep in mind that many subtleties are going to be swamped out by the fact that you are going from 2 speakers to 7 speakers. That's a huge change, and one that will likely make it difficult to pick out subtle tonal differences.

Besides, who cares what I hear. The point I've been trying to make in this thread is to get you to accept (and trust) what YOU are hearing.
