Originally posted by bossobass:

soundhound and sanjay: having been a musician since '66 and a member of afm since '72, i certainly generally agree with you on the quip about us.

"Us" would have to include me too, as I am a university trained musician (composition and piano). I was an "audiophile" for about 15 years before going heavily into music though, so maybe that helps me to see both sides of the fence. But in any event, a musician's ear training is NOT in sound quality. It is in things like hearing harmonic relationships, pitch, remembering a melodic like and being able to write it down. Things having to do with MUSIC. Sound reproduction is something totally different. Also consider that performing musicians hear music from the perspective of inside the orchestra or band all the time, and not necessairly from a concert hall perspective as much. That skews the sound that they are used to, and their expectations of how a recording should sound.