
I do notice changes, even slight tonal ones, that PL II can sometimes effect; but I've never heard PL II remove harshness or add sweetness to a recording.

Well ok. But have you ever heard DPL II remove some overtones, and in so doing, make the sound more pleasing?

Obviously you are enjoying some of the changes that PL II brings to a recording but, amongst the changes that you are personally hearing, can YOU actually hear overtones being removed? Or, are you going by his observations?

I'm going by his observations. I do need to experiment with it some more.

I'm sorry, but this guy is sounding like a real crackpot.

I may be misrepresenting what he's saying but he's not a crackpot. He is opinionated however.

[This message has been edited by Will (edited September 16, 2002).]