Originally posted by Will:
Maybe so. But this musician says real symphonies have unpleasant harshnesses and odd sounding overtones in them. He wants to hear these things.

I'm sorry, but this guy is sounding like a real crackpot. Yes, sitting right in the middle of a performing orchestra it sounds A LOT different than sitting out in front of the orchestra, or in a recording. But harsh overtones is NOT one of the things you will hear. I have, and do mingle amongst live, performing orchestras, and it just sounds glorious, sensuous, and bloody loud. Really, I don't know what this 'expert' is trying to prove, but my advise would be to let him just listen to his 'harsh' orchestra (which may not be saying much about the players!) as he pleases, and not tell you how YOUR music should sound.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited September 16, 2002).]