Originally posted by Will:
The other advice I got from this person in the music industry, was to always play symphonies very loud, as loud as they sound in a concert hall.

Maybe he plays Contrabass, and sits right in front of the brass section, and is therefore deaf....

My dedicated HT room was constructed using the "live end/dead end" technique, where the front of the room is well dampened, carpeted, and has no reflective surfaces. The rear of the room, while not extremely reflective, has much less acoustic treatment, except for a bass trap up near the ceiling. This makes "straight" stereo sound more enveloping and helps make the surrounds more diffuse in movie playback. The 950 is going to replace a Fosgate Model Three processor I used to use for it's "rock" matrix processing of non-sympnonic stereo music. I will be happy if one of the settings on the 950 yields a surround experience as good as on my dear departed Model Three.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited September 14, 2002).]