Charlie - JGB = Davis S (from work and home), and I apologize for being an a-hole myself, just gettin testy when being told to butt-out/non constructive/and basically ignorant in my own thread.

Just seems if any attempt to "fix"/improve the hiss (outside of Outlaw starting over from scratch) is not an option to a lot of people. I'm just not that scientific, and outside of using my sound meter at set up and periodic checks, I just listen. Maybe I'm deaf, saw well over 100 Grateful Dead concerts over 15 years, probably affected my hearing.

I'am happy to report that MY fixes have worked in MY system. Spent the weekend with gains lowered/PS Audio Juice Bar new to my set-up, and am very pleased with the result.

Hiss at normal listening levels (-15 to -30) is pretty much now ear to tweeter, and at +10 I'd say its within a foot/probably less. CC still hisses the most, although not even sure if thats accurate as CC tweeter is at stand up ear level. From my couch, no hiss is heard at all.

I guess I should just leave this thread now and let any and all naysayers gobble it all up:>