"but you have to realize that when we start claiming the 950 can beat amps more than 3x its price it must be expected to be treated like a amp that is woth $3000 and not $899. If I was at a dealer showing me a $3000 amp hissed like mine I would think he was crazy."

Dude, you sound so gullable. 1) do you believe everthing you read, or do you EVEN attempt to find out for yourself. 2) take a course in Marketing at the local JC, maybe you can learn something, and freeking most importantly 3) re-read my FIRST post, do a freeking search yourself, and learn that these so called high-end 3,000+ freeking pieces also have the potential to hiss. Read, you can read cant you. Damn, I'm glad the Raiders kicked the crap out of the Bills today, or I might have come off as pissed here:>