Soundhound - agree, cept from what I believe I'm learing is that there are a lot of system intergration variables at work also.
So this statement "It is really unreasonable to have audible hiss from more than a foot or so from the speaker in _any_ electronic component at normal gain settings" is maybe not entirely true. As a consumer its what we want, but in our complex set-ups, with all the other variables included (Im guessing here) its not always going to happen. Just my guess/like your statement is a lot of consumers wish/guesses.

Me, I've got 4 dimmers, fridge, ceiling fan, etc in the same room/sharing same electrical as my system. Cable TV also.

Agree hiss is real, agree that its different in/varies amongst systems, except I now expect that. A small level of hiss seems inevitable, and in each of our homes/systems its likely to "measure" different.

I said above, if its audible above listening to source material, its a problem that Scott/Mike seem more than willing to work with us on. Just seems like if we are all looking for the holy grail (absolute silence/no hiss), we are not going to find it here/or with a lot of other equip.

How are you taking your measurements. Mine, only when I place my RS meter against my tweeter, at +10 does the needle even move. In my normal set-up position (40 inches out), and as I move in closer, needle dosent budge. What am I doing wrong?

People with amps with no gains/if their hissing to much, keep talking/working with the Outlaws. Whats the S/N on those amps, ie how much is amp contributing here.

My 5 channel stereo issuse is strange. Not really a buzz actually/more of a whistle. I plan on unhooking all components/and work backward to find it. If its there with just the amp, speakers, and 950, than 950 may be at fault. Will post back.