
I hope you will accept my apology for not getting the composite – S-video conversion tryout done for you. I see that you now will get to ‘see’ for yourself!

We have a crisis going on right now which is keeping me very busy just getting through the days. My 60” LCD is a little nerve racking to move without a 2nd helper; (you can see the screen flexing since the unit is so light and so large if you try to move it by yourself). All I had achieved was trying to round up the desired cables but the timing for the rest, has not been optimal.

If your running any audio out of the JVC through the Outlaw, its amazing how ‘great’ sound, makes the pic more fun and involving isn’t it?

I loved reading your review. When my 950 first arrived, (great out of the box) there were still weeks of escalating satisfaction and enjoyment, since almost every change I made, learning what DSP modes worked best with what, calibrating, playing with crossovers, just scratching the surface of DVD-A. Kept improving the sound.
I know there is a optimum tweak ceiling somewhere, but since I fit and start, with time available for AV right now, -getting to adjust, tweak, play, - I can’t even tell if I’ve hit the max setup yet. The more time I have to play with it the better it gets. (My favorite kind of purchase).

Very happy to see your review, and have fun. Sorry to hear about the monster Klipschs, taps playing in the background. There should be a self-help group “When sound is more important than aesthetics’. I’m a recovery ‘WAF” work in progress myself.

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited September 18, 2002).]