L/R link connections? Moving into to territory I have NOT mucked with but pulling up stats on your 500’s I see these are bi/wire bi/amp capable. (never looked into this and don’t understand it only mucked with single post myself as yet). IS IT POSSIBLE, depending on how your running your powered subs connections on these speakers that something is going on which is not effected by using analogue 5.1 bypass (as I understand this can somewhat effect how LFE is routed…handled).
I am really in territory I don’t understand, but saw something about these speakers highly recommended for bi-wire although in that recommended config you have a ‘contour control’ not a sub gain control Also (a review from a guy who may/ not have known his stuff) about if leaving the terminals jumpered using the interconnect between mains for sub line level sub input in the speaker gets (2) signals? Tending to distort/bloat bass with these models??? Could that heavy base tendency in certain config be exacerbated by DTS LFE heavy handedness in a few choice spots on SS?? Although your descriptive term used (static) implies an ‘electronic’ (dts board) or ‘bad or reversed or shorted’ type situation

Totally lost in the biwire/amp area have not had cause to pay attention to the subject yet.
Any hoooo’s, any possibility if it is NOT the 1050 DTS decoder, (and it may well be) that this area could be creating a problem depending on your current config for powered sub setup on the hotter recorded DTS version of this disc??? Although commonsense tells me if you had a major issue in this area, you’d hear the static more often……and conversely (oh dear it NEVER ends) commonsense tells me if you ONLY have the static on one disc (SS) at certain frequency band (similar sounding audio moments) on the one disc, this could also indicate it IS possible its NOT the decoder or it WOULD exhibit at other times?! Do you have other DTS discs you’ve demoed with no occasions of static??? Don’t recall if you have detailed that fact. If not I’d buy/borrow another couple DTS soundtracks and run them through.

I believe that the fact your static is volume dependent (intensity) yet not volume removable (static still present although quieter at very low dB). Should help Outlaw figure out your issue. I’m a firm believer in the remove everything method (HI-FI suggestion) adding it back one at a time for troubleshooting! I seen long term AV’s post a surprise result using this method when it discloses a cuplprit they had not suspected causing an interaction. For me, this methodology of troubleshooting…..is a flat necessity….as I often don’t have the sense nor seasoning to know WHICH area’s could BE the prime suspects.

Sounds like you have covered quite a few bases in your elimination process already and there might not be that many left to check. It’s incredible how much work some of these track-down affairs become!
Sorry for my inept input but as Gonk states: but it can't hurt to do a bit of brainstorming. At least it’s a time killer to fill the frustrating hours.
PS: thanks! I do like the VA’s rather a lot for the present. Not bad for a retail lined setup.