Hey Apple, I'm afraid I can't help you with your problem but I can add to it...

I use the TV as the monitor for viewing the 950's menu (front projector for DVD display).

If I'm listening to a digital source with the 950 and I turn on the TV, I lose sync (audio) for a few seconds when the TV comes on. Didn't happen with my Adcom pre/pro. This happens every time with the 950. Of course there is a path between the TV and 950 through an Svid cable but I wouldn't expect the 950 to be this sensitive.

Also, when there is no source for the video into the 950, ie. I choose an input that has no Svid or composite source because video takes a different path for DVD playback, the 950's menu will come up fine but the background is not stable. Seems like they could've provided a blue screen for sources that aren't hooked up. Small annoyance probably, but strange.
