I can verify that the 750 (and by extension, I assume, the 770) has serious breathing room requirements. I had it rather unfortunately placed when I first got it, in a shelf that was just over 8" high. There was a lot of room below it, due to the feet, and a large amount of space on all four sides, but not much more than 1/4" on the top.

Well, after an hour or so, that puppy was too hot to even touch. The shelf above it was also quite warm, bordering on hot. That concerned me, so I quickly moved it to a 10" shelf, and it's been much better now. Putting my hand over it, though, I can feel hot air coming out of it.

I would not put anything on top of it, unless you can give it about 2" of room. There's no fan, so if the vents are even partially blocked, the convection will be defeated.

Matthew J. Hill
Matthew J. Hill