Frankly, if I could get us all in the same place, I'd buy every single member of the Outlaw team the adult beverage of their choice. Whatever our frustrations have been as wait-listers or buyers or whatever, it can't possibly compare to the aggravation, disappointment and mind-numbing stress the Outlaws have experienced through this thing.
I got $50 worth of free interconnects. I got shipping BOTH WAYS (for cripes' sakes) if I want to replace my 950.
They get an ulcer.
Sure, they have a financial upside at the end of the road; but this has been a costly project for them. If it's any consolation as they're paying those extra shipping bills and airfreight charges from Malaysia, I think they're buying a helluva lot of customer loyalty with those investments.
This has been a rocky road and I know I'll get lots of naysayers, but I think the agonizing history of the Outlaw 950 has shown that Outlaw can create a fine product and get through the bad times while remaining a class act.
OK. Now some of the rest can tell me what a butt smoocher I am.