"The steps to follow were ommitted and I was wondering how it works. Does the old unit get
sent to Outlaw and then they send the new unit? (I imagine this means we won't compare
them side by side, in our own system."

Will - nope, you can. Remember our earlier posts/discussion on this. Again, Scott & co. our coming thru as they will ship a "fixed" unit to you, you inspect/listen/evaluate with you first unit (or do you still have 2:> ) in hand, and make your decision. They established a reasonable (two week I think) window to return your first unit (on their dime). And if you decide you like the first better, you keep it and return the second (unless your Bob and keeping the first will cause you stress regarding your precious re-sale value on a $899 unit to begin with -- laughing loudly now!).

Anybody think Rotel, B&K, Anthem, or any other co. would "better" this "customer comes first" approach? I dont. Sure, the 950 got stuck in 2nd gear out of the blocks, but so have most everbody elses Pre/Pro's. Crap, did Rotel ever fix the DTS issue on the 976? My understanding is that an earlier Acrus(Spellin help) Pre/Pro hissed like crazy and was never fixed. Think they accepted/ran such a accomodating returns process. Did B&K ever upgrade the Ref 30??

Send me my "fixed" 950, I gots some new vinyl to listen to!