
You can do everything you are currently doing with the 950, except when using the 5.1 inputs.

Telling the 950 set "no sub" and mains to "large", all the bass will go through the mains, which you can then crossover using the speakers levels signals at the sub. That is what I plan to do with my Vandersteen sub, which effectively makes my mains completely full range.

For the 2 channel analog bypass, you get full range through the 950, with double bass on the .1 output. Since you have nothing attached to the .1 output - no double bass. Easy.

Finally though, is you use 5.1 inputs from a SACD or DVD-A player, you would lose any information on the .1 input. Hooking a sub to the .1 output, and you get double bass since the low bass goes to the sub and the mains. The only way around this, I think, is to use an ICBM (or some other bass management in the player) to fold the bass from the .1 channel into the mains. That way you don't lose it, and with no sub attached to the .1 output, no double bass.

So I don't see any advantage to using the .1 output on any reciever or pre/pro as long as you are happy with the results you are getting using the speaker level crossover in your sub.

I guess double bass can be addressed also by always using the .1 channel and always running the mains full range. Then the sub and bass levels can be tweaked to sound balanced and consistent for all sources. The disadvantage is extra distortion due to driving the mains full range when they don't really want to play the lowest notes. Plus this requires a more powerful amp since the mains will suck much more power playing over their entire bandpass vs. being rolled off around 80 Hz.