Originally posted by bossobass:
to me, it defeats the purpose of having a set of "purist" analog inputs if your system can't reproduce the source material.

I agree there. But if the system can't reproduce the source material (I'm assuming you're talking deep bass in the mains) then the system needs an ICBM or the built in management. The point is, there is a teeny little switch on the back panel that claims to shut off the built in bass management but does not. So those 'straight wire with gain' inputs turn out to be anything but.

For systems that need some help in the deep bass it's probably much less noticable, in some cases may even be a good thing, but it doesn't help those of us who have systems that can do it without help. And the sad thing is it took extra work to make this happen. I would have much rather this 'feature' was ommited, the price dropped $50, and a family discount was available on an ICBM.

Who knows, maybe the spare bytes and labor could have been poured into re-nameable inputs or discrete time delay adjustments or any number of things.

But I must in all fairness admit it seems worse for me because it does affect me probably more than most.

[This message has been edited by charlie (edited August 20, 2002).]