Well, I'd love to have an Ethernet port in it, for both remote control (via a PC) and software updates. To me, that would simply be the cat's meow. Maybe put in an HPNA port for the phone line people in the audience. The point is, I want a supplied program that paints a picture of a 950 on my PC and allows me to push buttons with the mouse. Updates delivered on CD-ROM.

Of course multiple firewire ports for bitstream inputs are definitely necessary.

It looks like the Outlaws didn't reject the upgradability argument altogether; after all, the ROM *is* socketd. They just don't seem to be too interested in putting out updates for it.

On another note, it turns out that all of the 950 fixes so far have not been simple code changes; the code seems to be pretty good so far. Of course, all code needs a fix sooner or later.

Matthew J. Hill
Matthew J. Hill