For an A/V pre/processor, I think the ability to update the microcode is important. It is certainly needed for bug fixes. Taking the unit into a shop is a major pain.

As an electronics engineer, an eprom change is nothing. To a non-technical user, it may be asking a bit much.

Presently, I am using a Sony str-db940 as a pre/processor and amplification for the rear channels. My main preamp is a Nakamichi 610.

I am looking at pre/processors to replace both the Nakamichi and the Sony. Sound quality takes precedence over (mostly gimmiks to me) settings like stadium, church, symphony hall, small jazz club, etc.

With newer comuters doing away with old technology such as rs232 ports, keyboard, mouse and such, I even question the wisdom of new designs offering a rs232 port. Firewire seems attactive to me as both a bitsteam input to be processed (dvd-a and sacd) and processor updates.


the 1derful1
the 1derful1