Azryan, Tsk, Tsk, is it because its Monday?
You know I am the first to declare (regarding myself) I DON’T KNOW NUTing hardly yet. But I’ll pick up the gauntlet for a quick point. I find it enlightening that you have never used a meter, and personally I think you should add that in as pertinent tidbit, when discussing the merits thereof. I see your theory, and I see very valid arguments for your points. Particularly in regards to all the variations using a meter has to account for. After all, we did make our first shots to the moon, all based on understanding parameters without having first hand experience of them yet.

But I’ll take it on faith that you and your wife hear a difference when you added in your new amplifier, (and I believe). If you’ll take it on faith that my husband and I heard a difference (for the better) after calibrating our speakers.

..these results may not be representative of everyone choosing to follow our diet plan, and did include a weekly regimen of exercise