Make double sure that none of your sources are active while you're performing calibration. If you were to mistakenly switch to one of them you'd go from relative quiet to full reference in a split second.

I did this once. I think I was lucky I didn't blow any drivers...

I read a THX document once that said you're supposed to point the mike straight up, and I've always done it that way since. Makes it easier because you don't have to change the position of the meter when measuring the surrounds, for example. Don't know if it makes a difference or not.

...and have discovered that indeed most of them cannot balance speakers by ear nearly as accurately as by using a meter.

This is why when *anybody* says they can hear "etched highs", a "detailed midrange," and a "tight but robust low end," I don't put much stock in it. Human's hearing just isn't that great. And "auditory memory" is even worse. I want to see measurements darn it! Easier to compare components that way. Source components and pre/pros-receivers. Speakers are way different of course (interactions with the room, etc).

[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited August 02, 2002).]
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

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