Easy - one, I seriously doubt they have go backward in quality on the 950. Does this even make sense to anyone?? Another thread had the same "thought", and the thought simply leaves me perplexed.
JGB: Well, then using that train of thought, we ALL should get the new unit. The only way that I could see fidelity decreasing in the new unit is if some chances were taken with circuit design or parts selection in order to gain that high fidelity at the building costs allowed, and, those chances caused unpredicable hiss in some specific systems. In that case, maybe the only way to eliminate that potential hiss is to slightly disable the ability of the unit to portray high frequencies. Maybe, that is why the Rotel unit seems slighly warmer, less revealing, than the 950? BUT, I am in no way an engineer and that's why Outlaw should tell us how the new unit compares to our old one.

Anyway, most importantly #2, as they have said several times, have them send (on their expense) you a new "fixed" unit, place it into your system, and listen to it. If it sounds better (less hiss, etc) than the original, box the original up and send it back (at their expense again) to them. If its no better, send the second one back (on them) and tactfully discuss your options with Scott. At this point, I seriously doubt they plan on making anyone keep their 950 (even the original one) if they are not happy with its performance.
JPG: THIS makes perfect sense to me and represents the best of all worlds in this situation.
This is what I'd like to do...!

Take Care,
Take Care,
merc\'s primary system