Super-receivers have more features than budget pre/pro's that concentrate on sound quality first, and on features second. Many people bought super-receivers by Denon and other brands, a few years ago, and are now buying pre/pro's and amplifiers, preferring separates (even budget separates like Outlaw, Rotel, etc.) to getting another super-receiver.

More receivers are sold than separates, but I think most people who have owned both receivers and separates, sometime in their lives, end up preferring the sound quality of separates. Receivers have their advantages. They often take less room, have more features, are easier to assemble and cost less than separates. Many many people who end up getting separates, got a super-receiver, first.

If you want all the latest features at a good price, get a super-receiver. But if you want better sound quality than a super-receiver, and can live with less features since afterall price is an issue, I'd recommend looking into a BUDGET separates system, from brands like Outlaw or Rotel. Enjoy!

[This message has been edited by Will (edited August 12, 2002).]