If you do get the ACT-3 make sure it's been fixed. Some of the earlier ACT-3's hissed and buzzed. Here are some of the reviews on the ACT-3 version 2, from audioreivew.com, dated 1998:

I recently purchased and returned the "fixed" ACT-3. The preamp hissed continuously. Other than the annoying hiss the ACT-3 is great. Though I could not live with the continous hiss.


Acurus has made a change to the ACT-3 to address the hum problem in the previous version. My ACT-3 came with the upgrade from the factory, my dealers demo was upgraded by the dealer with a board change. The previously noted hum problems are no longer! The audio quality from the new ACT-3 is fabulous, my casual listener wife has commented on the much improved sound quality over my old preamp. If you audition an ACT-3, make sure that it is a new version; if you have an old version, start beating up your dealer for the upgrade! From the previous reviews of this product, Acurus needs to do some serious butt-kissing to make this product succeed, eg: actively seek out current owners, upgrade at no cost.