
But after the bitter pill of being strung along as long as we have, would you really put yourself through it again?

Maybe the answer is yes.

Let's go back two and half years, to April 2000.

In April 2000 (early spring 2000) the Outlaw Newsletter email said Outlaw won't build the pre/pro previously announced for spring 2000 and instead would build two separate pre/pro's, one to ship in late spring 2000 and the other to ship in fall 2000.

In November 2000 the Outlaw Newsletter email said they'd ship the two pre/pro's in the first six months of 2001.

In February 2001 the Outlaw Newsletter email said they'd ship the first of the two pre/pro's by June/July 2001.

In July 2001 the Outlaw Newsletter email said the Model 950 would ship by October 2001.

In September 2001 the Outlaw Newsletter email said the Model 950 would ship by Thanksgiving 2001 or earlier.

About a week before Thanksgiving 2001 the Outlaw Newsletter email said the ship date had slipped but Outlaw was nevertheless "committed to volume shipments well in advance of the Holiday Season ... in time for you to welcome Santa with a full 7.1 surround demo on Christmas Eve"

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2001 the Outlaw Newsletter email said they would not ship (surprise!) by Christmas afterall. But they were fully confident it would ship within 3 weeks.

It didn't ship then either.

(If anything in the above is inaccurate please let me know so I can correct it.)

You guys probably know the more recent story since February 2002, so I won't bore you with it here.

In hindsight, we shouldn't have waited with baited breath on each new ship date officially promised by Outlaw, after Outlaw missed so many of their previously promised ship dates. Yes, we felt strung along. But there weren't many DPL II pre/pro alternatives back then, unless you wanted to pay much more. These days, though, there are some pretty good DPL II alternatives.


I feel very burned by the whole 950 thing. It was a very stressful experience (yes nobody needs to tell me it's not a cure for cancer) and I won't put myself through it again for the sake of a few hundred bucks. If I could, right now, get those 6 or 8 or whatever it was months back, in exchange for the money I saved, I'd do it. Keep in mind people, I'd *sold* my previous stuff based on the Outlaws' promise.


[This message has been edited by Will (edited August 13, 2002).]