Why not buy either the Sony or Monster adaptors that allow you to connect the PS2 to via the full Y/Pr/Pb component video connections. You should be able to do this either through the 950 or directly.

That's what I'm going to do Iggy. I have the cable right here.

HT Crazed:

I purchased a Vidikron D-600 XGA LCD projector on eBay. Got a good price and it was a new unit. Had it for a couple years now. There are LOTS of good choices in LCD and DLP projectors now. HTF Forum and AVS Forum searches can get you LOTS of info on the latest and greatest.

And you're right it isn't quite short throw enough to work in the trailer. But I have an old Gremlin that doesn't work anymore parked right outside one of the end windows of the trailer.

So I raised the Gremlin up on blocks and mounted the projector to the steering wheel and shoot it through the window. This gives me just enough throw to work. The downside is that the rats sometimes chew through the video cable running out to the car so I have to replace it occasionally.

By the way, when using the 950 switching to my 27-inch TV, it looks fine. The softness is only very visible when blown up to 10-foot. And also - VERY IMPORTANT POINT -- I didn't do a "comprehensive test" so there might be a way to troubleshoot this that I haven't found. So your mileage may vary.

Played the DPL2 encoded Star Wars game on the Game Cube last night. Man, the 950 really performed sending X-Wings ALL OVER the room.

[This message has been edited by bobliinds (edited August 14, 2002).]