Didn't do a comprehensive test, but tonight I ran my new PS2 into my XGA FPTV (10-foot diagonal) via a Focus Enhancements CS-1 scaler.

When I ran Svideo from PS2 to 950 to CS-1 to FPTV, the PS2 picture was quite soft, even with the sharpness of the CS-1 set to the max (which, of course, is something a videophile rarely finds himself doing.)

Running Svideo from PS2 to CS-1 to FPTV was SIGNIFICANTLY sharper and more detailed.

I use my scalers as switchers so I had not previously had the 950 in the loop to the FPTV. This casual observation, however, persuades me that I probably won't use the 950 as a svideo switcher to the FPTV.