I can't be positive the gains are set identically. But I listened over a large volume range. The first 950 sounded more lively, throughout the large volume range. The second 950, by comparison, sounded more laid back and mellow, throughout the large volume range. The sound difference is pretty apparent, INDEPENDENT of whether one 950's volume was RELATIVELY higher than the other 950's volume, or lower.

That's why I think it's not a volume difference issue. Rather, the two units sound different.

The first 950 may sound harsher than the second 950, to some listeners. To me, the first 950 sounds more lively and forward than the second 950. But I imagine that people who think the (original un-updated) 950 sounds harsh, may like the way my second 950 sounds.

It's maybe like the way the original 950 is said to sound different from the Rotel 1066. The Rotel is said to be more veiled and the original 950 is said to be harsher.


[This message has been edited by Will (edited July 25, 2002).]