PREFECT, did the outlaws mention anything about when they were either going to replace or repair the HISSing sidewinders (my new pet name for the 950)?

Also, you said that they sent you a second unit that also had the HISS. Did they know when they sent it that it had the hiss or were they expecting the second unit the be the fix? If you got two HISSy units in a row, the malasian assembers must have received a bad batch of parts. Which brings me to a third question. The AT version of the sidewinder is advertised to be superior due to "Premium hand selected and calibrated components in the key processing paths. This includes the main pre-amp, DSP, and Video boards; All caps, DACs and Output ICs." and "Higher grade Op-Amps for improved Signal to Noise Ratio in Direct, Digital, and in the Analog-DSP inputs."

What up with that?

[This message has been edited by tetra500 (edited June 12, 2002).]