
It is quite clear from the variety of posts that we have seen about this issue over the months that this is not a widespread issue. Most people simply do not have this problem. It seems to be exacerbated in cases where a lot of variables stack up - efficient speakers, high input gain on an amplifier, untreated room, good ears.

If it is a widespread problem that negatively affected everyone, I have every confidence that Outlaw would do the right thing. However, evidence suggests that it is only a practical problem on a minority of systems. I just happened to be the first one to discover the problem.

As I said, you should give Outlaw a call if you are as concerned as you seem about this issue. They're really nice people and would probably welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your concerns. I am not in a position to comment on how Outlaw will handle this problem for the remainder of production units; I simply do not have the answers.