I thought I might as well jump in on this topic too.
I was experiencing some hiss and a bit of 60Hz hum on my system. I live in a 40 year old house with the world's worst wiring. Last week I purchased a Monster Power HTS5000 Mk II. His and Hum are now completely gone. But that's not the best news. My bass response is much clearer and more well-defined. I've always used conditioners in my professional racks(Furman's, etc.) for protection more than anything else. This AUDIBLE improvement is an incredibly welcome surprise! I've heard about the systemic improvements that a good conditioner could make, but as an Audio Engineer of course I knew better. It's nice to be wrong on occasion.
Haven't gotten my turn with the Outlaw gear yet, still waiting.
Has anyone reviewed the Proton AS-2631? I just heard about it and wondered how it sounded.