Originally posted by MU Warrior:
morphsci.....i donn't know what mumbo jumbo you're talkin about, BUTTTTTTTTT in my 40 some years of putting together audio sytems, I never tolarted a piece of equipment that I could hear hiss. One of my first big Scott amps (it was almost as big as a 1/2 of a sheet of plywood) well It seemed that big at the time, I took home and returned three units before the fourth was hiss free in the circuits and meet my creteria of hiss free. If the parts are good, you donn't get hiss.PERIODDDDDDDD Just seems strange that this wasn't noticed once again by our "BETA Testers" hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm????????????

I installed a Nakamichi CD/preamp in my car. Hooking it up to an A/D/S amp resulted in a lot of hiss. Rather than swapping out amps, like your 40 years of experience would tell you to do, I adjusted the input level of the A/D/S until the hiss was gone. A clear example of level mismatch. As far as the 950 goes, I have used it with 3 different amps (McIntosh MC40, Electrocompaniet AW 100, Adyton Cordis1). Non of these produced any hiss. It is therfore quite plausible that the beta testers had 950/amp combinations that didn't produce any hiss.

Helge Nylund
Helge Nylund