After reading this thread, I went and listened to my existing system (on the wait list for 950...). I have a Denon 2800 and PSB Image 6T's.

Sure enough, I can hear a noticeable hiss with the receiver on but no sources on-- but only with my ear an inch or two from the speaker cover at the tweeter. So I suspect this is pretty common (see review on the Rotel RSX-1065 in Sound and Vision April 2002 issue). They use a test signal to measure the noise floor. BTW, I am considering the Rotel RSP-1066 as competition to the 950.

But if people are hearing it from 8 feet away (or even 1 foot), that is not OK. The hiss level on my Denon was not enough for my Radio Shack sound pressure meter to register even when pressed right up against the speaker and set to the bottom range.

Outlaw Admins, we would sure appreciate it if you would comment. I am keenly wondering what the answer is, as others probably are on the wait list...
